Empower yourself through the Menopause

About the workshop

An informative 45min talk that aims to empower women who are or suspect they may be experiencing peri or menopause symptoms.

Learn more about the symptoms and their impacts and why the menopause can be so problematic for some women. Sign posting reliable resources, self-care strategies and tips. How to track symptoms and to reach out for reliable support and help.

A safe space open to everyone not just women. There will an opportunity to ask questions and there will be a fun competition and giveaway!

About Ali – Ocean Breeze Wellbeing

Ali is an experienced HR workplace wellbeing consultant and advocate for Women’s menopause health and awareness. It can take 12-18 months for women to realise the symptoms they are experiencing relate to menopause. Ali’s workshops and presentations are focused on empowering employer’s and women to understand the symptoms and the impacts, seek or signpost support and to make positive interventions. 

Ali understands first-hand the challenges that peri and menopausal women face in and out of work and shares her own personal story of overcoming some severe early symptoms not realising that she had reached the perimenopausal stage of her life.      

Booking: Spaces are limited and are allocated on a first come, first served basis. Please register on the day with a BWC volunteer outside the room where the workshop will take place.

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Instagram- @OceanBreezeWellbeing
Linkedin – Ali Booth